Menopause Treatments

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Tablets July 5, 2024

Menopause Treatments

Menopause Treatments

All women face menopause after the age of 50 years. Menopause occurs over a few years and this time can be very trying for a woman. A reduction in production of the female hormone estrogen and progesterone results in osteoporosis, hot flushes and general fatigue. A lot of research in this field has created effective menopause treatments. Since hormones are involved, all menopause treatments should be in consultation with one’s doctor.

Menopause treatment begins with a change in a woman’s dietary habits. One has to take calcium in the form of tablets or in natural dairy products and vegetables. She must decrease consumption of caffeine products like tea and coffee. This is helpful in preserving bone density and increases absorption of calcium.

Other menopause treatments include physical exercises to build strong bones. This must be in the form of a brisk walk or weightlifting exercises to strengthen her bones. Exercising regularly also helps in weight reduction. It is good for the heart and can reduce one’s cholesterol level.

Menopause treatments for hot flushes involve consumption of natural products like soy and tofu that contain natural estrogens. One can have them in raw or cooked form. Scientific studies indicate that soy definitely reduces hot flushes.

Several medicines can form a part of menopause treatments. The intake of belladonna and clonidine can considerably reduce hot flushes. However, one must study their side effects before consuming them. Some medicines induce sleep while others can be dangerous for those having blood pressure.

Another very popular menopause treatment is hormone replacement therapy. This therapy involves taking the estrogen and progesterone hormones orally or in the form of topical creams. Women who have their uterus intact must take both hormones in regulated doses. It is important to decide the dose as per the doctor’s directions since the intake varies from person to person.

A doctor’s guidance is a prerequisite for hormone therapy. Estrogen replacement can banish all symptoms of menopause like hot flushes, fractures and help build bone mass. This is because this form of menopause treatment can lead to breast cancer, blood clots and a host of other medical problems. It is important to know the woman’s medical record and family history of cancer. Women who are prone to cancer are not advised this menopause treatment.

Hormone therapy is available in the form of tablets and creams. Women under 50 years experiencing early menopause can safely take these types of menopause treatments. However, one must undertake a mammogram once in two years, if on hormone therapy. A host of menopause treatments is now widely available due to rapid advances in science. However, a woman must take a suitable treatment according to her needs and strictly under a doctor’s supervision.